EVs, Automation, and Artificial-Intelligence: Opportunities, and Threats

Image Credit – Yanfeng Interiors 100 Years War Were you aware that 3,285 people were killed today, in a war that has been going on for decades, and that each year at least 20 million people […]

Road Trial to Test How EV Range is Affected by High Acceleration.

Introduction I was recently involved in a discussion below the line about the effect of levels of acceleration an electric vehicle range. This was below one of the articles in CleanTechnica. I was arguing that heavy […]

BP Putting $5 Million Into EV Charging Firm FreeWire

The oil giant BP will be investing $5 million into the US-based mobile electric vehicle charging tech firm FreeWire, it has announced.

While the move is notable, you’ll also probably notice that $5 million is essentially just chump change to BP — so the investment probably doesn’t amount to much but PR from the BP side of things. FreeWire, of course, may well find the investment funding quite useful.

Does Tesla Have A Free Pass?

Has Tesla Received a Free Pass? Five years ago, electric-powered vehicles began to make an appearance. Nissan and Tesla proceeded along two entirely different approaches to converting buyers from ICE vehicles to electric-powered vehicles. Nissan added […]

The Secret EV Sales Tool!

I’ve been an advocate for EVs since restoring a 1994 USElecticar Chevy S-10 in 2009. I’ll admit my time horizon for wide adoption of EVs at that time was decades out. Little did I realize that […]

Ecotricity Launch Their “Fully Charged” Bundle — A New Deal For UK EV Charging

Hot off the Press I have just received a press release from Ecotricity, outlining a new deal for EV drivers, starting in January 2018. The deal includes cheaper charging on their public, EV fast-charging network, a […]

EV Road Trials — Different Levels of Range Under Different Conditions

Introduction On 1 October this year, I published an article in CleanTechnica, in which I shared my experience of driving an EV. I explained the facts, and theory, behind getting the best range out of an […]

Curiosity Fuels EV Growth?

What would it take to get a person to buy an electric car? The debate rages about range, environmental issues, performance, size, looks, and repair issues. All important topics, but what’s occurred in just 5 years? […]