7 Cool Electric Vehicle Charts From POD Point

As noted in this article, I recently interviewed the CEO and founder of POD Point, Erik Fairbairn. POD Point is the top supplier of EV charging equipment in the UK, so it has quite a bit of useful data on hand. Following our interview, Erik passed along an interesting infographic, and I thought it would be fun to share some interesting charts from that with all of you.

Global EV Sales Projections

EV Market Share By Country

UK Rapid EV Market Growth

UK EV Incentives

Top UK Electric Cars

UK EV Chargepoint Expansion


Thanks to Erik and POD Point for sharing!


POD Point’s Approach To UK EV Charging, + New Volvo Partnership

POD Point & Volkswagen Announce Partnership — Automaker Chooses POD Point As Recommended Supplier

POD Point Raised £267,750 Via Recent Crowdfunding Campaign

More Convenient Public EV Charging From POD Point

1st Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Trial Launched In London

2 thoughts on “7 Cool Electric Vehicle Charts From POD Point

  1. I’m struggling with the top chart. I assume it’s predicting sales per year and not cumulative sales to date. If the top chart is intending to show cumulative sales, the chart looks more like oil company’s wet dream.
    Assuming the top chart is meant to reflect yearly sales, this must be an old chart as it doesn’t reflect sales in China from last year (300K electrics sold in 2015) nor does it reflect China’s recent 600K electrics projection for 2016.
    In addition, it shows 500K to 600K electric car sales for the US in 2020 year. Tesla will ramp manufacturing to 500K cars by 2020. Does that mean the total electric sales of all other competitors in the US will be limited to 100K vehicles? While I admire Tesla and will be a Model 3 owner, but I doubt GM and Nissan will stand by with no competitive offering of their own. Maybe they don’t believe Tesla’s timeline.
    Zach, any insight into this top chart?

    1. Currently Half of Tesla production is sold outside of the USA. I imagine that will be roughly the case in 2020.

      Not sure if production is entirely sourced in the USA though. Maybe some are knockdowns assembled elsewhere.

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