First of all, what the hell is Elon Musk doing at a Vanity Fair summit? Doesn’t he have some slow-moving suppliers to grill? Or some rockets to build (with his own. bare. hands. of course)? Well, whatever he was doing there, it’s good for us, because he got explicit about Tesla Model X pricing.
Elon has previously stated that the Model X would be just ~$5,000 more than a comparable Model S, and, “Lower cost versions coming later.” Many of us took that to mean that a base Model X 70D would be ~$80,000 — $5,000 more than a base Model S 70D. We got another hint a few days ago when Elon tweeted, in response to a question about lower-end X trims and when they’d be available, “something like a 70, but probably around 12 months from now.” For some reason, he later deleted that tweet.
Well, the statements from the Vanity Fair summit clear things up further. “We’ll have a more-affordable version out next year that will start at around $75,000 before incentives, about $65,000 after.” (h/t electrek)
Interestingly, $75,000 is the base price of the Model S 70D, which seems like it would put the Model X on exactly the same price ground as the Model S, which doesn’t make sense. Maybe by “around $75,000,” Elon meant $80,000? Who knows, but I think we have enough indicators by now that anyone can price out a Model S with the options they like on the Tesla website and then assume a Model X with the same options would be ~$5,000 more.
You can find videos of Elon at the Vanity Fair summit here.
Related: All Tesla Model X Reservation Holders To Be Invited To Configure In 2015 — Tesla Target
And now for some fun….
WRT the future price of $75k, that is $5k more than the MS Sans D.
Or maybe he’s implying the Model S 70D will be $70k by next year and the X will be $75k.
That was my guess, but didn’t feel confident enough about it to write it.
Would be logical move as the model is out for a while and therefore knocking off $5 would make perfect sense. And the model x will take over until the next gen model s will come.