DALLAS, Jan. 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Alternet Systems, Inc. (USOTC: ALYI) today published a corporate update and 2021 outlook from company CEO Randell Torno. The update and outlook is included in entirety below.
ALYI Corporate Update and 2021 Outlook
The ALYI business model is founded on the idea of establishing a perpetual system of electric vehicle innovation.
Unlike the vast majority of electric vehicle contenders, ALYI is not staking its shareholder value on a single state-of-the-art electric vehicle designed to capture consumers imagination today. ALYI is launching an electric mobility ecosystem to continuously identify market needs, capture the best available technology, target new ideas and combine all of the above into the next and the next and the next innovative electric vehicle product.
To both attract industry leading talent and provide an opportunity to prove their innovations, ALYI is launching an annual electric vehicle race in partnership with a brand name racing organization. The annual race event will be hosted simultaneously with an electric mobility symposium and expo.
While most electric vehicle companies target developed economic markets where their products will have to replace existing combustion engine powered competitors, ALYI is focused on Africa where low per capita transportation saturation provides the opportunity to introduce first time transportation solutions, not replacements.
Yes, we’ve started with an electric motorcycle to prime the electric mobility ecosystem.
Since the original pilot motorcycle, the ALYI design team has introduce two additional electric motorcycle design paths.
First, the company will produce an electric motorcycle with a sleek retro style based on a BMW R71 clone (www.revoltmotorbikes.com) and include a conversion kit for do-it-yourselfers to electrify their own BMW R71 or R71 clone.

ALYI’s second design path leads to an electric motorcycle to be produced immediately to specifically support an Uber and Lyft type transportation solution evolving the African motorcycle taxi (Boda) market.
ALYI’s design team has now launched a third design path to develop a paradigm changing, state-of-the-art electric motorcycle. In particular, the third design path will be integrated into the electric mobility ecosystem.
ALYI progress in 2020, has put the company in a strong position to make 2021 a breakout year.
ALYI has existing orders for its electric motorcycles and the opportunity to increase orders by one thousand percent, if not more. Demand in Africa is high.
ALYI has production partners in Africa ready to produce ALYI’s electric motorcycles.
The electric vehicle race partnership has begun site selection and engineering to host the annual event.
The anticipated breakout in 2021 will be triggered on ALYI’s financing partner finalizing its $100 million investment commitment.
ALYI’s financing partner, RevoltTOKEN, has already provided key funding to advance ALYI’s business plan to its current stage. RevoltTOKEN plans to democratize the ALYI electric vehicle ecosystem through the introduction of dedicated cryptocurrency offering holders participation in the ecosystem. RevoltTOKEN, the business entity, plans to offer RevoltTOKENs, a cryptocurrency, through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO).
RevoltTOKEN is carefully addressing regulatory prerequisites prior to launching an ICO. While RevoltTOKEN optimistically anticipated the process to address regulatory prerequisites going faster than has been the case, RevoltTOKEN is still resolved in its commitment to fund ALYI progress in a timely manner. While RevoltTOKEN remains committed to the ICO, RevoltTOKEN plans to soon provide additional funding separate from the ICO process to maintain ALYI on a rapid business development path.
The prevailing electric vehicle investment environment is ideal for ALYI to access necessary funding to maintain business development momentum. In addition to the heightened electric vehicle investment interest that began in the summer of 2020, President Biden’s environmental agenda now stands to further accelerate electric vehicle investment interest.
RevoltTOKEN and ALYI anticipate soon finalizing terms on the next strategic investment that will fund electric racetrack construction and fund the initiation of electric motorcycle production in Africa.
2021 is going to be an exciting year for ALYI.
Press courtesy of ALYI
Image courtesy of Revolt Motorbikes, ALYI