Ukrainian Parliament Drops Import Duty On EVs

ImprimirThe Ukrainian Parliament has gone ahead and passed a bill that will see the import duty on electric vehicles dropped.

The third attempt to vote on the draft law occurred in the session hall on Thursday — with a winning vote of 242 MP votes for the measure, out of a total of 341.

Here’s more: “The bill suggests that vehicles equipped with electric motors should be exempt from import duties, according to the explanatory note to the bill. The bill is designed to facilitate the protection of the environment, ensure Ukraine’s energy independence, simplify households’ access to advanced technologies and latest developments, improve the quality of passenger transportation in Ukraine and reduce its costs.”

The explanatory note accompanying the vote clarifies that, with reduced costs, the expectation is that electric vehicle (EV) adoption will pick up.

I think there’s a good chance our friend Hanna Yanchuk had a hand in this.

(Tip of the hat to “vitaliy” on the TMC forum for this.)

Via CleanTechnica

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One thought on “Ukrainian Parliament Drops Import Duty On EVs

  1. Guys, you are too late! This Bill was adopted half a year ago. And they just cancelled customs fees for EVs, but NOT 20% import VAT. This is too poor effort to stimulate the import of EVs into Ukraine.

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