Visionary Newcomer Directs Donald Trump to “Take a Hike” with Debut Artwork
SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Public lands artist Dunc Hazard doesn’t mince words when asked about the inspiration behind the recent release of his first creative project titled “Take a Hike”. According to Dunc: “I’m simply responding to the Trump Administration’s negligent and abhorrent management practices with regard to our national public lands in the United States.”

Dunc further explains:
“Take a Hike project artwork is my attempt to say something about the values of our collective public lands in the United States. I believe my message is especially important at a time in which our public lands are actively being degraded and devalued by the Trump Administration. The current administration has no regard for the concepts of stewardship, decency, integrity, honor, ethics, or civility.”
For more information about the attacks on public lands in the United States, or to view all 77 values of public lands Dunc envisioned with his debut art project, visit
As his first serious effort as an artist, Dunc chose to title his inaugural project “Take a Hike”, for a multitude of reasons. Dunc says:
“First of all, I was inspired to begin making art based on an internal desire to protect the sweet serenades of beauty and wonder that I’ve experienced while hiking the United States public lands system. All my art has been inspired by places I’ve hiked and photographed, on public lands.”
Dunc also says the title for his project was chosen because:
“Hiking is good for you. I stomp an assortment of hikes each month. And, I encourage anyone who feels able-bodied and compatible minded for these sorts of pursuits, to take a hike themselves.”
Finally, Dunc declares:
“It’s also past time for Donald Trump to take a hike. Here’s a guy, whom appears to be orange, and now he’s the president. A president whom uses the sufficient quantity of fake tan and make-up products to turn himself orange? I don’t understand what’s going on. Shouldn’t our president have more important matters to be concerned with? And what about that hairdo? It’s preposterous. And some-how, it’s also orange? I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. Can someone please wake me up?”
Dunc later added:
“C’mon, no other president has ever suggested it would be a good idea to inject raw bleach, into a vein, to cure a disease. The only logical explanation is that the President of the United States is either a complete nitwit, or a maniacal deviant. Probably both.”
While Dunc acknowledges that the issue of public lands is perhaps not the top concern for many American voters, he remains steadfast in his view that protecting our national public lands, remains an important reason to vote against Donald Trump on election day. Dunc says:
“Protecting public lands accords our people the opportunity to engage in a diversity of cherished undertakings. Camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, exploring, and getting a work-out, are all important values that benefit the American people. Maintaining the opportunity for these sorts of pursuits, requires permanent safekeeping of our public lands in the United States.”
Dunc Hazard is a hiker, artist, photographer, and conservationist, from Montana. Currently based in Spokane, Washington, Dunc maintains a commitment to hike all 77 locations on public lands, which inspired his artwork, before the close of 2021. For more information about Dunc’s hiking plans, photography, and activism, visit his blog at
Images above courtesy of Dunc Hazard
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