Google Cofounder Sergey Brin Gets Founder Series Tesla Model X

If you read my live blog of the Tesla Model X unveiling, you probably saw that Google cofounder Sergey Brin was sitting in the VIP section in the front.

Later on, when Elon Musk was handing off the Founder Series Model Xs to their owners, a lady came up and Elon said something to her like “standing in for Sergey” or “stand-in for Sergey.” My initial thought was, “Hmm, Sergey Brin?”

I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but it makes plenty of sense. Unlike the other (rich) Founder Series owners, Sergey is a very famous person who probably prefers to stay out of the limelight when possible. It is well known that Google cofounder Larry Page is good friends with Elon, and they’ve been friends since before Google. (Elon even spends a good bit of time sleeping at Larry’s house when up in Silicon Valley, reportedly, and Larry has said he’d leave his billions to Elon, since he’d likely put it to very good use.) So, it’s highly likely Sergey was an early investor in Tesla (a requirement for getting a Founder Series car), and who wouldn’t want a Model X?

Well, word on the street (i.e., from a major media site) is that Sergey is indeed one of the owners of the Founder Series SUVs given away this week — Vin #4 to be exact.

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