prius interests infographic

6 thoughts on “prius interests infographic

  1. I’m lost. The header on the bar chart (right) quantifies relative likelihood of interest in a topic, Prius owner vs. national average as “number point number.” But what does that mean? to take the “Taxation” bar as an example: Prius owners are apparently 4.5 (something) more likely to be interested in Taxation than the general public. Are they 4.5 *times as likely? 4.5 *percent more likely? What?

      1. Me too. But are Priusians really 1,560 =>times<= as likely as others to be interested in Apple? That's a lotta times πŸ™‚

          1. Let me know if you find out. The issue with so many of these “info graphics” is a combination of bad information design (crucial) and lack of precision (ensuring uselessness). In other words, they fit nicely into the ethos of Social Media marketing: quantity beats quality by a country mile. Too bad. It reminds me that the poet John Ciardi once proposed “homo loquens” as the correct scientific name for our species: “talking man.” Or in this case, “blabbering man.” πŸ™‚ Thanks for the response, Zachary. I know you’re busy.

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