Daimler Creates “Mercedes-Benz Energy GmbH” To Manage Stationary Energy Storage Business

With Daimler AG’s stationary lithium-ion battery energy storage business now getting its feet, the company has gone ahead and established a new body — Mercedes-Benz Energy GmbH — to handle the development and global sale of Mercedes-branded energy storage products, according to a new press release from the company.

Production of these Mercedes-Benz energy storage products will remain “the core expertise of Daimler’s other wholly owned subsidiary, Deutsche ACCUMOTIVE GmbH & Company KG.”

„Private Energiewende“: In Haushalten, die über eine eigene Photovoltaikanlage verfügen, lässt sich der überschüssige Solarstrom nahezu verlustfrei zwischenspeichern. Hauseigentümer können durch die Verbindung von regenerativen Energiequellen und einem lokalen Batteriespeicher ihren Eigenverbrauch an Strom auf bis zu 65 Prozent steigern.. / "Private energy revolution": Households with their own photovoltaic systems can buffer surplus solar power with virtually no losses. By combining renewable energy sources with a local battery storage unit, private households can increase their self-consumption of generated energy to as much as 65 percent.

“This now enables us to respond with even greater flexibility to our customers’ requirements,” commented Harald Kröger, Head of Development Electrics/Electronics and E-Drive at Daimler AG.

“With the growing electrification of the automobile, demand for lithium-ion batteries is constantly rising. By expanding this line of business to include stationary private and industrial applications, Daimler AG with its wholly owned subsidiary Deutsche ACCUMOTIVE GmbH & Company KG already opened up additional prospects for growth last year. Delivery of domestic storage solutions for the German market started in April,” the press release notes.

“Work also started on setting up the first large-scale industrial projects in the field of primary regulation energy. With the establishment of Mercedes-Benz Energy GmbH based in Kamenz/Saxony, the company is now taking another step toward expanding the stationary storage business. International expansion and collaboration with further partners are particularly high on the agenda.”

No, there was no mention of the price of these energy storage systems.


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