Oregon HB 4036-B — Amended Bill Supported By ChargePoint

The amended version of Oregon House Bill 4036 (Oregon HB 4036-B) — reinstating the right for the Public Utilities Commission to review utility company proposals to install electric vehicle charging stations with ratepayer funds — is being supported by ChargePoint, according to a recent email sent to EV Obsession.

The amended bill would stimulate competition and “ensure customer choice,” according to the recent email — through the continuance of Public Utilities Commission (PUC) authority. The unamended bill (as drafted) would overturn a decision made back in 2012 to provide the Public Utilities Commission with a means of oversight.


Here’s more via the email:

HB 4036-B, as passed by the Senate Transportation and Business Committee, includes a vital amendment reinstating prudence for the Public Utilities Commission to review utility proposals to use ratepayer funds to install EV charging stations. ChargePoint, the world’s largest and most open EV charging network, supports a role for utilities, so long as these investments allow competition, customer choice and innovation to continue in the market.

As drafted, HB 4036 overturns a 2012 decision by the Oregon Public Utilities Commission which directed utilities to file applications to invest in EV charging stations using a four-part prudence test. Without amendments, this legislation gets rid of that prudence test, limits PUC authority, and threatens to block our ability to continue to sell charging stations in Oregon.

The amendments will allow utility companies to continue with their current levels of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure investment, without being unaware of the expectations of the commission and other authorities, according to the email.

One thought on “Oregon HB 4036-B — Amended Bill Supported By ChargePoint

  1. Good. This will keep us from being taken over by gougers who don’t understand the EV vision and how it will in fact benefit them as well as the public.

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